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Automated Workflow Tests

justIN's Automated Workflow Tests (AWT) test the reading and writing to storages from jobs, in the environment seen by user jobscripts.

The AWT results page shows site vs storage results for the download and upload tests run in jobs at each site. The text on the page explains how red, green and orange colours show whether the tests were successful for each combination of site and storage. The "Last AWT job" column shows how long ago an AWT job ran at each site and reported results, and so tests whether the sites are accessilble to justIN jobs. It also has a link to that job's page on the justIN dashboard. The "Last OSG time" column shows how long ago each site was seen in the OSG pilot factory configurations, fetched by the justIN info collector agent from the OSG pilot factory GitHub repo.

Wrapper jobs are tagged for AWT and targetted at each known DUNE site, whether it is enabled for user jobs or not.

The AWT Workflow is used to manage the jobs. It uses the metadata query rucio-dataset testpro:awt to find files in the testpro:awt Rucio dataset. The justIN finder agent looks for new files in that dataset every two hours. At the same time, existing files in the testpro:awt dataset are reset to the finding state. The finder agent then looks for the replicas of the new and existing files, updating the PFNs of the already cached replicas and adding new replicas as appropriate.

This means that new rules can be added to the testpro:awt dataset for new RSEs and the Rucio configuration of the root protocol of the RSEs can be changed. In either case, the changes will be reflected in new AWT tests within about two hours.

When an AWT-tagged wrapper job starts at a site, it contacts the justIN allocator and workflows a jobscript to execute in the normal way. The allocator recognises that the job is tagged for AWT and returns an additional file with a list of RSEs to be tested. This file is accessible to the AWT jobscript at $JUSTIN_PATH/justin-awt-rse-list.txt and its contents are logged to the jobscript's log file. Each line of that file contains the name of an RSE to test, the upload protocol to use, and the root PFN of a replica of a file in the testpro:awt dataset on that RSE which can be used for the read test. Where there are mutiple files with suitable replicas on an RSE, the one most recently cached from Rucio by the justIN finder agent is used. The upload protocol choice takes into account whether the site is considered to be on the RSE's LAN or WAN, based on distance=0 for LAN. If a storage has no replicas of files in testpro:awt then it is ignored.

The jobscript is taken from the single stage of the AWT workflow and is visible at the foot of that stage's page.

The production VOMS proxy normally used by the wrapper job for file uploads is made available to the AWT jobscript at $JUSTIN_PATH/awt-proxy.pem and this is currently used for both read and write tests.

voms-proxy-info --all --file $JUSTIN_PATH/awt-proxy.pem

is run by jobscript to show exactly what proxy is being used.

The jobscript loops through $JUSTIN_PATH/justin-awt-rse-list.txt doing

xrdcp --force --nopbar --verbose "$read_pfn" "downloaded.txt"


rucio --verbose upload --rse $rse_name --protocol $write_protocol \
      --scope testpro --lifetime 86400 --name $fn $fn

where $read_pfn is the test file in testpro:awt to download, $rse is the RSE name, and $fn is temporary test file created locally by the jobscript.

All of the verbose outputs of these commands are logged to the jobscript logfile, which is available in full by looking at the job wrapper logs page for each job. There is a link to the wrapper job logs for each job on each job's page on the justIN dashboard.

At the end of the jobscript, it outputs a summary of the xrdcp and rucio upload commands executed, and then their outcomes for each RSE tested from this job. These final outputs are visible in the short Jobscript Log section at the foot of each job's page in the justIN dashboard.

When the jobscript log is uploaded to the justIN allocator, it is parsed to extract the test outcomes. These are stored in the justIN database and visible on the pages for each site and storage accessible from the lists of all sites, all storages, and on the AWT results page.

Each result is also logged as a justIN event, associated with the job, RSE and site. There are links to lists of these events from the above pages for each site and storage, which can be used to view the history of the tests.

justIN time: 2024-10-16 00:30:46 UTC       justIN version: 01.02.rc1