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Integration instance

The justIN system relies on a central database and a set of agents and services, including the web dashboard, which together constitute an instance. The DUNE production instance's dashboard has URL

Production vs integration

To allow testing of new justIN releases with other components before they are installed on the production instance, a DUNE integration instance is maintained with dashboard at

Apart from the URL, the letters INT next to the j-clock near the top of the page are a further visual cue that you are using the integration instance dashboard. The version is also displayed at the bottom of every page.

The justIN documentation is maintained in GitHub, versioned along with the code, and installed in the docs area of the dashboard. For this reason, you should consult the docs and change log for the instance you are using (production or integration).

The integration instance is typically installed with a recent snapshot of the main branch in GitHub, taken while it is believed to be stable enough for testing. These updates may applied as frequently as daily or weekly depending on the phase of development, and will generally be done between 08:00 and 12:00 UTC.

Each time a minor version (eg 01.01) is finished its testing and is installed on the production instance, then the next minor version is started (eg 01.02) and a clean install is made of the integration instance including wiping its database. For this reason it is essential that no important work is done using the integration instance.

Using the integration instance

The justin command from the production version can usually be used with the next version on the integration instance. This can be accessed through cvmfs and setup in the usual way. If necessary, it is also possible to do a standalone installation and the allows you to pick the integration version from the main branch.

Wherever the command is located, it is necessary to override the built-in production instance URL with the --url option. For example:

justin --url time

will give you the current time in UTC, according to the integration instance.

For convenience, you can set the environment variable $JUSTIN_OPTIONS to a string to be prepended to the list of command line options:

export JUSTIN_OPTIONS='--url'
justin time

Alternatively, you may prefer to define an alias in your shell profile, as this makes it more explicit which instance you are connecting to. In Bash:

alias justin-int='justin --url'
justin-int time

Workflow numbering

To avoid interfering with work done using the production instance, the integration instance recycles the workflow IDs between 500 and 999. This number is reset every time the integration database it wiped and recreated.

justIN time: 2024-10-16 00:30:50 UTC       justIN version: 01.02.rc1