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justIN security model

justIN has three largely independent security systems: how users are authenticated and receive DUNE group memberships; how justIN decides what it will do on behalf of a particular user; and how credentials are supplied to justIN jobs to allow them to act for a particular user.

User authentication

Users authenticate to justIN through the justIN web dashboard, using CILogon and the Fermilab SSO identity provider. This is the case whether the user is using the web dashboard itself or using the justin command-line client. For the justin command, the user must re-authorize their session every 7 days by visiting a specified URL on the web dashboard. justIN gives the command a session ID and secret which it stores in a file in /var/tmp.

After authenticating the user with their web browser, justIN uses an OIDC call to CILogon to check the validity of the authentication and obtain a WLCG access token, identity token, and refresh token for that user, and extracts the users's eduPersonPrincipalName and DUNE wlcg.groups.

The access token and refresh token are saved in the justIN database, and the justIN finder agent refreshes the access token with OIDC calls to CILogon so it is immediately available to the justIN allocator without any latency. Refreshing continues as long as the user has an unexpired web or command line session.

DUNE groups and Rucio scopes

To use justIN, each user must be a member of the /dune group and may be a member of additional groups. These are updated from CILogon each time the user logs in.

justIN also obtains a list of the current scopes known to Rucio and assigns some of them to a group. In general, seveal scopes are assigned to each group. Every member of the group for a particular scope is entitled to create files and datasets within that scope. justIN checks user group membership when a user asks justIN to create files within a scope. This only covers writing and file creation: every DUNE member is able to read DUNE files.

The scopes are also used to control write the ability to modify workflows to process files.

Credentials in justIN jobs

When the justIN job factory submits wrapper jobs to the DUNE HTCondor pool, it creates a secret for that cluster of jobs as a string. This secret is passed to the job as a file and also stored in the justIN database for each job in the cluster. The wrapper jobs use the secrets to authenticate to the justIN allocator service, in the form of HMAC SHA256 hashes of the method, time and job ID to prevent replay attacks and reuse of unused hashes.

When the wrapper job starts it sends a get_stage request to the allocator to discover what stage within what workflow to work on. As part of this message, the job includes an X.509 certificate signing request which matches an RSA key it has created. The allocator signs the request with a VOMS proxy it has and returns the certificates chain to the job, which is then able to assemble a valid VOMS proxy includng the private key it created earlier.

Two VOMS proxies are delegated to the job in this way: one with no roles and only the ability to read from storage, which is shared with the container running the user's jobscript; and one with the DUNE Production role which allows the wrapper job to register output files in MetaCat and Rucio and to upload files on behalf of the user after the jobscript has finished.

The allocation of a stage to a job also provides another secret: the jobscript secret. This is only used within the inner Apptainer container that runs the user's jobscript, to ask the justIN allocator to allocate files to the job. This secret is specific to that job and cannot be used for other methods than get_file.

When the user jobscript finishes, the wrapper job uses the record_results method to tell the allocator which files have been processed and what output files are to be uploaded.

The allocator supplies the user's access token to allow the wrapper job to upload to scratch areas as the user.

Output files either go to dCache scratch space using the token or to Rucio-managed storage using the Production role VOMS proxy. In the Rucio case the files are also registered in MetaCat and added to the correct Rucio dataset.

Finally the confirm_results method uses the job's hashed secret to communicate the outcome of the uploads to the allocator.

justIN time: 2024-10-16 00:26:45 UTC       justIN version: 01.02.rc1